QUALITY GROUP is providing direct employment to approx. 300 and indirect employment to almost 50 families. In addition to providing employment, the company is playing a major role in saving the environment by using top quality DUST SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS while producing end products. In all the mines and crushing plants operated by the company, there is permissible discharge of dust and water. Only recycled water is used in the plants in the process of production, thus saving maximum water for the area nearvby. The company is taking adequate safety measures for its entire staff working in the plants and is also providing free medical facility to its entire staff.

We are also planning to open an ITI in Rajasthan to train local youth. We continue to focus on the development of communities that are affected by our projects through our Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, including the provision of employment and cash compensation for land acquisition and crop loss. Community Liaison Officers are posted at each operational site to interact with the local community and discuss their needs that may be covered under our CSR Policy. We have made significant investments in community development initiatives for our employees and communities neighbouring our projects.

The promoters and directors of the company are also actively involved with a number of social welfare causes and are also associated with charitable trusts and societies in various capacities.


As a mining & crushing company, we firmly believe in giving back to the community near our mine sites through CSR policies. Some of which are through job creation by recruiting and training local talent, local businesses are also encouraged as business partners over external vendors. By the time we finish our operations in any village, we would like to leave a reclaimed area that is most benefitting to the local community economically, such as agriculture ready land , community land or turning it into a pond, etc.

We also organize annual health check up camps for the poor near the areas we operate, driver awareness programs for truckers on the highways nearby, putting reflectors on trucks , etc.